Elliptical Workout for Beginners

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Image by Beverly Buckley from Pixabay

The elliptical machine is an excellent way for beginners to start their cardio training. It doesn’t put stress on the joints and is very good for the heart and the limbs.

The elliptical is designed to provide a low impact workout. It doesn’t overwork the joints or the bones and it is easy on the hips and knees.

The elliptical also has arm handles. This means that you get to work your whole body and lose more weight. It makes your workout more convenient as well.

If you’re new to working with the elliptical, you have to slow down. Doing too much will cause injuries and muscle cramps. It’s advisable to start gently and increase intensity as your body gets used to it.

Some Safety Precautions to Follow When Using the Elliptical

Cardio exercises, especially low impact ones, are extremely beneficial for heart health. However, if you have any health issues, you must consult your doctor before starting this workout. Do not use the elliptical if you have any injuries or serious health challenges.

When you use the elliptical for the first time, you’ll feel the most impact in your upper thighs and legs. There’s no need to worry as it is a normal feeling. The pain you feel shows that your muscles are being engaged.

It is very important to measure the intensity of your workout. Your pace should be between 4 and 6 on the RPE. As you ease into it, you can make some adjustments and increase your intensity.

Procedure for the elliptical Workout

  • Carefully follow each section of the exercise. As you do so, monitor your progress and find a pace that you are comfortable with. Ensure to use the RPE and adhere to the suggested pace.
  • Overworking your body will cause injuries. It is important to listen to your body to know when you need to take a break.
  • This workout can be done every three days, consecutively or alternatively. Try to be consistent with this regime.
  • Most people start with 10 mins and then gradually increase it to 30 mins. Do this only after you have become comfortable with the workout. After each workout, stretch your lower limbs and rest for a few seconds or minutes.